Sunday, April 26, 2009

श्री राम भक्ति सभा : एक आन्दोलन

श्री राम हिन्दुओं के लिये आदर्श महापुरुष ही नहीं परम पूजनीय देवता भी हैं
श्री राम चंद्र कृपालु भजमन हरण भाव भय दारुणम् |
नवकंज लोचन कंज मुखकर, कंज पद कन्जारुणम ||

"Raam Nam so hi jaaniye jo ramta sakal jahan ghut ghut me jo ram raha usko Raam Pechchan" Bhakti is manifested in Eleven forms of attachment, as per Bhakti Sutra by Devarshi Narada. Ram Bhakti is aatma-nivedana Shakti-Surrendering one's whole self like Hanumanji did. Tulsidas did with his writing. "Rama, I have no special abilities, I dont practise Yoga, I`m unable to meditate, I have no possessions...I have only love to offer to you, so please guide me to shore with only my love for you.." This is intense theme of saranagati or surrender to the absolute, like Hanuman's Dasa bhava to Rama. Ramcharitmanas is an underlying Vaishnava tenet ofrself-surrender as a means of self-realisation.

अदभुत है महिमा दो अक्षर के नाम की सुनों रामकथा और जय बोलो श्री राम की

The community is for bhakti with theme
होइहै सोई जो राम रचि राखा। को करि तरक बढ़ावहिं साखा॥

जिन्हं कें कपट दम्भ नहिं माया | तिन्हं के हृदय बसहु रघुराया

दीन दयाल बिरिदु संभारी । हरहु नाथ मम संकट भारी ॥

Sant Tulsidas wrote in Ayodhyha kand narrative of Ramayana "Those who dont have ego,wickedness and greed in those heart Lord Shri Ram choose his abode."
जिन्हं कें कपट दम्भ नहिं माया | तिन्हं के हृदय बसहु रघुराया ||

Lets we all purify our heart and instead of evils lets have Lord Shri Ram in our hearts

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